SMART Recovery Ireland Authorised Online Meetings
If you experience any difficulties accessing an online meeting please email
Current Available Online Meetings
Week of Feb 10th
SMART Recovery MeetingSMART Recovery MeetingSMART Recovery Family & FriendsSMART Recovery MeetingSMART Recovery MeetingSMART Recovery MeetingSMART Recovery MeetingSMART Recovery Meeting
1. Please click your preferred meeting and time below, all are available.
2. Click on Book This Meeting in the popup. ( Please try and book as early as possible).
3. You will be brought to a booking form with the meeting date and time you selected filled in. All you need to do it fill in your name and email/mobile number and click the boxes as appropriate
4. A meeting link will be emailed to you.
5. This link can be only used for the meeting selected, if you wish to attend weekly meetings thereafter you will need to fill in your details each of your selected online meetings.
6. Please note that meeting access will close 10 minutes after the allotted start time. This is to minimise disruption to the meeting and to encourage prompt attendance.
Our aim is to provide online SMART Recovery Ireland mutual support meetings which are free and open to anyone
seeking science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery.